Sunday, September 11, 2016

CD 12 Launch

Copy of email sent to contributors:

Dear All,

I think I’ve had enough positive ‘Let’s get on with it’ responses, and no ‘Let’s just wait a bit’ responses to trigger the launch of the next project.

Simon has chosen the theme ‘Space and Time’ for the next CD, so off we go.

I’d like to have all contributions in by the close of play on Monday 26th September.

Rules, pretty much as before – if you need any clarification, let me know.

We have 5 minutes and 20 seconds each again, but this time, I’m going to say … JUST ONE TRACK EACH! I know this is a controversial move, but it will hopefully make the guessing of who put on what more straightforward (not that that’s a massive element of the CD for some of you). This also means that we don’t have to be too strict about the 5 minutes and 20, but please don’t go choosing anything massively over. 

The title of the CD will be ‘12elativity’, but the theme remains ‘space and time’.

I have currently got a shortlist of 1 hour and 37 minutes’ worth of space and time songs, so I don’t think you should have problems finding material, so broad is the theme.

Happy selecting,

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